The Transaction types: Human rights.

From 2013 till 2017 — «Inglourious Basterds: heated bus stops», non-stop actionism for 4 years, Yekaterinburg, Russia. 

More than 10.000 people took part in it. 

In 2013, the first sanctions were introduced in the country and essential goods disappeared from stores. An economic crisis set in. In the Urals, the temperature drops to minus 40 degrees in winter. The city buses run infrequently every 60 or 120 minutes. 

In December 2013, in Yekaterinburg city, a young woman lost consciousness because of hypothermia while waiting for a bus, the passer-by called an ambulance for her.

2013 — «Dolmens». Definitions: a prehistoric megalithic tomb typically has two large upright stones and a capstone. Inside the city, Dolmens were made from snow, and signs were placed on them with the inscription «A student froze here.»

2014 — «How I decided to undress everyone: naked people waiting for buses». A journalist appears naked, checking out the first heated bus stop. After that, half-naked people with hidden faces began to appear at the city's bus stops. 

2015 — By this time, «the heated bus stops» were associated with a symbol of freedom and Human rights, such as the Statue of Liberty. After Developers destroyed the first heated bus stop, citizens advocated for the heated bus stops' to need to be the city. Many artists began to support «the heated bus stop» in making artwork.

2016 — «Castration». Three men stand at a bus stop in the center of the city in white clothes, with an imitation of blood in the groin and inside of the thigh. Blood-stained posters are in our hands: «Without your support, we are neutered #heated bus stops». 

2017 — «Circus». «Politics is a circus and I want to take part in this circus». It became a political slogan and the beginning of participation in gubernatorial elections. For the first time in history, the hero «heated bus stops» has his representatives in political circles.

Leni Smoragdova — The candidate for the governor of Sverdlovsk region, Russia.

Inglorious bastards «play out» and disappear, as suddenly as they appear, creating a complete illusion of deception.
